7 Questions to Ask Your Family Dentist at Your New Patient Exam


When you visit Sam Patel DDS, PA, we encourage you to ask plenty of questions. Your oral health is important, and as a family dentist, our goal is to help you maintain it. Our McKinney, TX staff are warm and friendly, and we believe that no question is a bad question. After all, the more you understand about oral health, the more empowered you will be to keep your teeth and gums healthy over time. To schedule an appointment with our 75069 dentist office, call (972) 638-5848.

Here Are 7 Questions to Ask Your Family Dentist at Your New Patient Exam:

1. Am I brushing and flossing correctly? As a McKinney, TX family dentist, we know that just because you are brushing and flossing your teeth, that does not mean you are doing so correctly. You need to brush for at least two minutes at a time twice per day. You should always brush away from your gums and remember to floss thoroughly. If you don't, plaque can build up, and your risk for developing cavities and infection can increase. We can show you how to brush and floss properly in order to prevent this.

2. Do I have any signs of gum disease? Maintaining healthy gums is critical for keeping your natural teeth healthy and in place. Gum disease is a leading cause of adult tooth loss, making it important to prevent it. When you visit our 75069 family dentist office, we will let you know if you are showing early signs of this condition and recommend a deep cleaning if you are.

3. How is my enamel? When your enamel begins to wear, it can lead to sensitive teeth. Sam Patel DDS, PA can make recommendations regarding how to strengthen your enamel or protect it if too much of it has eroded.

4. Am I showing any early signs of decay? When decay is caught and treated early, it can be removed prior to giving you a toothache. While some people prefer to wait to have cavities dealt with, we do not recommend this.

5. Are any of my teeth damaged? You may be unaware of small hairline cracks. However, if you have them, the damage can spread and lead to an infection or the need for a crown. We can restore your damaged tooth right away.

6. What can I do to improve my smile? We are also a cosmetic dentist office, and Dr. Patel has multiple ways to improve the appearance of your smile.

7. Are you looking for signs of oral cancer? Oral cancer kills people every day, and as a dentist, we can help by identifying signs of the disease. While a family dentist does not treat oral cancer, early detection is key to successfully fighting it.

As a downtown McKinney family dentist, we can help you to maintain healthy teeth and gums for a lifetime. Asking questions is part of that process. We will provide you with information, tips, and resources you can use to stay healthy at home. In addition, we encourage you to visit our 75069 dental office for a teeth cleaning twice a year. This will give us the opportunity to remove any plaque and tartar that have built up before they can lead to tooth decay. It will also give Sam Patel DDS, PA the chance to answer any oral health questions that may have come up over the year. If you live or work in McKinney, TX call (972) 638-5848 to schedule an appointment.

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