Veneers Can Give You a Gorgeous Smile for the Holidays

VeneersYou can transform your smile using dental veneers and do so in time for the holidays. The procedure can take a couple of weeks to complete so if you are interested, schedule an appointment right away. Your new smile can be completed in time to smile for holiday pictures or to attend your work holiday party. More importantly, you can start the new year off with a whole new look.

As a cosmetic dentist, we start by examining your teeth and gums to ensure that they are in good health. If you have any cavities or gum disease, we will treat this first so that you can heal quickly and do not develop any unnecessary complications. We will also ask what you do not like about your smile so that we can create a treatment plan that addresses all of those issues.

How Veneers are used

Many people use veneers to cover up dark stains, close gaps in teeth, restore chipped or broken teeth and to create a smile that appears uniform where every tooth is the right size. Patients with any of these issues can easily receive the treatment they need by visiting our cosmetic dentist office. During a consultation, we can give the patient an idea of what the smile will look like. Thus, the patient can determine if this is the right treatment or if they want to search for an alternative method.

Veneers Procedure

Before we can place dental veneers, we must first take an impression of the patient's teeth. We will create the veneers in a dental lab to be the perfect size and shape so that they will fit on top of the natural teeth. If the patient is only getting them on only one or two teeth, then the veneers will match the shade of the surrounding teeth. Thus, it is important to receive professional teeth whitening service prior to p[lacing veneers.

While the dental lab creates the veneers, we will prepare the patient's teeth. We will remove a small portion of the enamel, usually around a millimeter, from the tooth or teeth to help the veneer fit correctly. Once we finish preparing the teeth, we will attach temporary veneers with removable glue. They will serve to protect the teeth and will give patients an idea of what their smile will look like when the procedure is complete; although the finished product will look even better. While wearing temporaries, the patient needs to be careful to eat foods that are soft and to brush the teeth gently.

Once the permanent veneers have been created, you will come back to Sam Patel DDS, PA so that we can bond them to your teeth. Afterward, your teeth may be sensitive for a couple of days before you can eat comfortably. Then you can go back to eating all of your favorite foods and smiling boldly for this year's holiday pictures. Give yourself a gift this year by scheduling your appointment and enjoying the benefits that a beautiful smile can bring all year long.

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